Wednesday 30 October 2013

Introduction to RIZOR

Hello Friends,
This is my first post in this blog. So let me introduce about my new project "RIZOR".
The extension of RIZOR is Rockhacker's Integrated Zone Organiser Robot. RIZOR is an application software package written in VB.NET and C++. This is a multi purpose utility which can perform several taskes which are experienced by a computer user in his/her day to day life. This software is very useful to consume time and effort to perform taskes. It's the begining so I don't want to mention any more about my application software package .
The above image is a screenshot of a component of RIZOR . This is a Image of a File/Folder scanner utility which can perform many taskes like "Scanning Specific file formate in a path","Enscripting Files","Hiding Files/Folders","Locking Files/Folders" and many more. So keep watching this blog...